February 19, 2009
We took the boys to see the Harlem Globe Trotters with their Cub Scout pack. Both boys seemed to enjoy it but Jacob having a better developed sense of humor enjoyed their sophomoric pranks more. The most memorable stunt was when a player from the opposing team was pants when he went for a shot. As for me (as thought anyone who tunes into this blog cares about my thoughts on the event)..... Oh how I wanted to see the Harlem Globe Trotters when I was kid watching Saturday cartoons. All these years, I thought I was missing out on an American institution, almost a right as a kid to see them. Let me count the ways I was wrong. First, there's three teams that travel the world! Second, the players were phoning in their performances. Third, I don't think their routine has changed at all in last 30 years. And if you try to look up their history, it's hard to find how they came about.
But the kids enjoyed it and that's what it's about.