It was another great swim season. The boys should be very proud of how hard they worked to improve their times. A few push ups and dips along with a smattering of short interval runs, helped them with new break through times,
especially for Jacob. He went from being in the top 10 simmers and the B relay team to second or third fastest and A relay team. Jackson is still great in the freestyle. He really smokes it, and depending on the day he's the fastest kid on his team, though the competition is fierce for his age group.
Jacob's times this season were:
18.59s backstroke
17.84s butterfly
36.50s 50m freestyle
14.5s 25m freestyle best (split)
20.54s breast stroke
1.30.96 Individual Medley
Jackson's swim times:
16.41s 25m freestyle
20.75s back stroke
20.0s butterfly
38s 50m freestyle
At the awards banquet, both boys received many medals and made it to the finals for several events at Champs. As always, my favorite part of the evening, The Candy Awards did not
disappoint me. Jackson got Pop Rocks because he's so crazy and loud. Jacob got a Big Hunk.....I'm sure you can figure out that out. If you do, can you explain it to Jacob because he doesn't understand the meaning!
P.S. Jackson is actually the hunk in the family based on the number of girlfriends he has had. Currently, he likes Stella. She's a cute girl in his class whose very smart. He and Stella had a picnic lunch date at the club during the summer. She made him a PB&J sandwich and brought drinks. Be sure to ask him about her if you see him.