It's been a great season! Jackson's best buddies, Cody and Alex are on the team and were in his class at his new school. Oh and the same goes for his new girlfriend, Stella. The boys have worked so hard at
their stroke techniques and quickness. Aron has been a great coach getting the boys to do extra exercises and taking them to extra lessons. Jacob has continued to improve his times at every meet all season. I think he finally has the maturity to understand the work that goes into achieving a goal. Jackson was worked hard too but has not been as consistent- he's only 8 I keep reminding myself. Even at that, he's managed to achieve his goals for most of his events. I think he likes socializing more than anything. I have to say, when he turns it on he's like lightening and everyone stops and watches. He has a beautiful freestyle stroke while Jacob has the power and endurance to help him. Although I'm exhausted, not just from swim season, but waking up at 5:00 am to work out most days before work, I take a mental picture of last night, the annual pasta feed.
Jacob runs up with 3 of his friends, I ask what's up. He replies nothing, we're going swimming and takes off the coolest t-shirt he has and quickly turns and runs to the pool. All 4 boys meet at the pools edge at the same time and all dive in with Jacob being first. This year, all the boys on the relay teams got buzz cuts so they all look the same. I look around for Jackson and don't see him but I'm sure he's 'buzzing' about like he does. As I look around I notice just how many people I know and call friends and still how many there are that I haven't met and will try to get to know next season. It doesn't get much better then that.
It's been a good year. The boys should be proud. All their hard work comes down to this weekend, Championships!