The land on the other side of the prison fence is it's own resort that we call the courtyard (named so by the kids when we first moved in). It's shady, peaceful, and full with the quiet sound of nature. A place we rarely travel to due to the forbidding prison fence. Even Shasta enjoys going there. There's grass to nibble on and ducks, or if lucky, a crane, to chase.
After finding a deal on fencing at my favorite place to shop, Craigs List, we bought plenty of your standard black wrought iron fence. Boring, I know, but when your yard is as big as ours you need to make compromises. This gave Aron the bug, and finally last weekend we all worked together to tear down our own Berlin Wall. The boys helped dig holes and mix cement. They also filled a trash can full of weeds, and Jackson made us lunch. They were the best helpers and very affordable, too. Jacob made a whole $1.00 and Jackson made $3.00. They were paid according to their work effort- Jackson was focused and pulled weeds for a good 5 hours while Jacob, well, if he got paid for day dreaming he'd be rich. Their favorite part was mixing cement and didn't even want to go to Grandma and Grandpa's until all the cement work was done for the day.
This weekend, we tore down the prison fence that divided our yard and cut down an old lemon tree. It was sad to see it go, but it really opened up the yard. We are making progress but still have several weekends to go to finish. I'll keep you posted. (The last 2 photos are of the yard before. )
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