Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mother's Day

I just got back from a conference in Raleigh last night.  Aron picked me up from the airport with the kids late at night.  Jackson insisted on going with Aron to pick me up and swore he would not fall asleep before it was time to leave.  This was about 10:50.  At 11:00 Aron went to get the boys to leave and both were sound asleep in bed.  Lucky for me he brought them all snug in thier robes with pillows and blankets in the back seat.  I was so happy to see everyone and be back.  The next morning, Mother's Day, the kids made me a breakfast of bacon, eggs and pancakes. I opened cards from Aron and the kids and presents of flowers and candy. They wanted to take me rafting, but it wasn't that hot of a day and the water is still very cold so I suggested going to the river.  It was a beautiful and sunny day.  We took the dog since she' a mother also.  After that, my boys accompanied me to see The Avengers.  What a great movie even when you sit only four rows back and the left.  What a great family.

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